Explosive Mixture, Timers, Igniters, Hydant Bomb Mixes, Hydral Bombs, Electonic Counter Measures Continued 05-07-06 Rev.a
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2006-05-07 19:36:32 UTC
Quick Explosives

High Strength Tequila

100 Bottles (quarts) of High Strength Mexican Home Brew Tequila
Let the tequila evaporate out to one bottle, which is almost impossible
to do in a home lab without killing your self, as it becomes more
explosive than nitro gycerine, and is highly volatile, and will go off
at the slightest bit of static charge from a person merely walking on a
carpet and accumulating a positive voltage charge. With a tiny current
and discharge less than what the Microsoft workers normally handle
slicone chips and other "high tech" easily damagable stuff with, you
can set the whole thing off, and it has the explosive potential of,
with high strenght Mexican Tequila, of a very good kind, about C-8 or
C-9 to C-18 or to up to about C-35 explosiveness. It depends on how
good your Tequila is.

Anyway, if you survive that, you can add,

Nail Polish Remover equal amount
Then, better yet, evaporate out the liquid of 10 gallons of Nail Polish
Remover, and good luck surviving that one, as well, as it is even more
volatile, and it is of course, explosive, and it will pack a real
wallop, when you mix it with the Tequila, and it will destroy things
just about as good as my Hydral Bomb liquids. It's very effective as a
major molecular bits and pieces descrambler, which is a dissasembler
unit, that will take apart molecular bits and pieces, and is very
effective for removing people, molecularly. However, it is so good, it
is nearly impossible to handle, and contain, and you need a tremendous
amount of technology to keep it from exploding, or you need to add,
something, that will make it user safe, and just about as explosive.

Pour in Chicken Fat.

Evaporate about 55 Gallons of Chicken Soup Stock, found at your grocery
store, and then before you evaporate it down to 8 Gallons to 15
gallons, take brocolli bugs, and cauliflower buds, and about 88 lbs. of
the stuff, and mix it half and half, and pour that in. It will blend in
with the soup stock, and you should make this first before you
evaporate down the other liquids, and then use this in evaporating out
the other liquids, and you might as well mix the Tequila with the Nail
polish remover, and then do it in one step, and then when you have it
all melted down, melt down the chicken soup stock with brocolli and
cauliflower simultaneously, you'll have a much safer esplosive. You do
not want to stir it as that will set it off, and cause it to take out
your home, and about an 800 mile to 4,500 mile hole in diameter in your
living room.

It's extremely good stuff, for taking apart molecular bits and pieces,
and it will work just fine to remove California, and the rest of the
united states from the map, nearly. It will not stretch across to the
midwest if set off in San Diego, for instance, and it will remove most
of Hawaii, the island chain, from above sea level. So it packs a
wallop, for sure. I wouldn't mess with it, and I wouldn't go near it,
while it was desouping, or melting down and evaporating out and if you
split it up into numerous containers, say 3 containers, then you can
manage to desoup that amount easily with a large vat of the kinds that
I instructed you to make. Don't live anywhere near it, and don't have
any electricty running anywhere around, and keep the static electricity
down, with some good current protector system, of the kind I
instructed, about 3 miles in diameter from about to 1.8 miles, put in
one system, than at 3.2 miles out, put in the second system, and at 9.5
miles, put in a third, and for safety, put one in at 8.5 miles, and one
more in at 3.4 miles and 4.9 miles, and you can probably stand away
from it and not worry about it exploding from static earth build up
charges, or lightening in the vicinity, and to extra protect it, put in
a system about every 2.3 miles, after the ones already installed, and
then put in another system, every 8.5 miles for about 900 miles, or so,
and you'll be much safer, and the 2.3 mile protection system needs to
be at about out to 78 or so miles, but you could run it out further, to
900 miles, just as easily, and you would have a fairly better
arrangement for letting it melt down.

Now to help it along with more protection in the soup, and more punch
to it, ad shredded cabbage, about 45 lbs, each, and tobaco leaves fresh
with no additives, but shredded up by hand, slowly, to reduce the build
up of electricity in the tobaco, and the same is true for the cabbage,
very mildly shred it, by hand or with a nice clean knife that is
grounded, and in a kitchen that has no metal in it, at all, and a
static discharge system, to keep the static electricity build up away,
at about the level of technology the Microsoft Company uses, for semi
conductor chips, and you can have a fairly good soup to melt down, and
the protection system then becomes over kill, and you only need about
9/10'ths the protective performance, and then you can remove the earth,
as it will totally destroy the planet, and crumble it up, after it has
melted down, to the base amount, and then set it off with a remote
control igniter from Pluto, or further out, and you'll be very safe,
and you won't destroy your self, but you will remove most of Neptune,
and possibly all of Jupitor, as well as every thing else in between the
ovular spherical shape from the earth to where you are standing on
Pluto. Good luck surviving it.

Okay. That's just a little bit of a joke, cause no one will take out
the earth, if they want to continue living, but it is possible, and I
wouldn't recomend it, but you can do it, and it is up to you, if you
want to say good by to the Dyslexic Governmental system, for this round
here on planet earth, and we'll all see you again, at another time.

Well, I don't think anyone is going to do that, but it is possible, and
you can come up with any number of in between steps, there, and let it
all melt down, to about 2/10ths, or 1/5th the amount of melt down, and
you'll just remove San Diego and about nearly 8.200 miles in diameter
of the planet we stand on. You can further reduce it to about 1/5th of
that, and you'll just remove about 800 miles of territory from the
planet. And it will be a slow rumble, and it will just blast the dirt
up in the air, and it won't pull apart the earth's molecular bits and
pieces, and so you'll have a home still standing, when you are
finished, on the earth, I mean. Well, that's a nice notion, there, and
so just keep on having a good day, every one, and don't worry about
someone removing the earth, or parts of it, cause no one is that
foolish, or perhaps well equipped with money, and determined to do it,
and you can all sleep well.

If you reduce it to 1/10ths the degree of work up, or labor and
technical capabilities, or genius, in making it all come together, you
can have a more modest explosive that will level out the whole of San
Diego, and 9.8 miles of earth, in diameter, in addition to the area of
San Diego you destroyed, which is out to Neputuna, a sleepy california
burg, that no longer exists, but it was there, before, and it is about
9 miles from dead center of San Diego, and you just add another 4.4
miles to all sides of the circle, and you'll get the adjusted amount of

Well, that's today's lesson on Hydral Bomb and Fuel propellants
instructions in making them, and just some ordinary disruptive
explosives. Good luck, every one, and let's hope no one is smart enough
and well equipped enough to pull that one off. I don't think there will
be too many people interested in that, except for some south American
and Latin American neighbors, who do not like the US and their
policies, and so I'm not too worried, that someone will pull it off,
but it is possible, and if we have some well financed South American
backers, they can pull it off, fairly easily, and thumb their noses at
the U.S., then. They will make the citizens of California very unhappy,
but I think they won't mind doing that, too much, after all the
balooney Davy Crocket and Daniele Boon and those guys at the alamo did
to the Mexicans. So just move out of San Diego, and live somewhere
else, and hold your ears, tight, when you hear a deep rumbling, so as
to lesson the traumatic strain on your psyche. Have fun, every body.

Well, I am GOd, but I can't keep people from striking back at the U.S.,
and so I think we need a peace agreement, and a immediate dissolution
of all treaties, and aggreements, and a one world government to put an
end to any further discussion on resolving grievances between Mexico,
South America, and Central America, and Japan, as a lot of Japanese
lost their lives, in the Alamo war, as well, as they fought on the side
of the Mexicans, in small numbers. Well, anyway, we have it for today.

Best of luck on solving your grievances with your neighbors, Almighty
US. (not really), and you just take it easy. No one is going to destroy
San Diego for at least the next 9 years, at a normal melt down rate, so
you have some time to think about things.

Well, if nothing else, that's a telling to the Dyslexics that their
government is not as secure as they thought, and their plans for world
domination are in jeaprody, and you can't go on with your plans, cause
too many normal people will just rise up and say, to hell with them, in
their own language, and that will be the end of the Dyslexic
government's scheme to take over the World. I hope you sleep more
soundly, Mr. Gorbachev, that you don't have to worry about any one in
the Soviet Union from being obliterated, so, just worry not, and have a
good nine years of sleep. Well, it may sound to you like I'm kidding,
but it is possible, and we know more than enough to destroy a lot of
the world, and the Dyslexics don't have a snowball's chance in the hot
zone, at succeeding. We could add another 9 times the amount, and make
it a larger 3 tub melt down brew, with the right financial backing, and
we can make lots of good Tequila, cause the Mexicans know how to make
that stuff, and if they want to jetison it up a little, and make a
stronger brew, by about 2.3 times, to start, then you will remove the
Alamo, as well as San Diego, nearly, with that brew, Guadalahara will
go, and there won't be much left of anything in between Guadalahara
Mexico, and San Diego. I would advise all residents of Mexico in the
Blast zone to begin moving out, and to Brazil, or someplace, and then
just enjoy your Tequila and Briesch, there, if you can find some in the
Andes Mtns., as they do sell it, and it is very good, but you might
have an over demand for it, so it won't last for too long. I'm not sure
what they call it locally, maybe jumping jack rabbit black stew, or
something, in the Andes Mtns. diallect of Incan Indian colloquial
charm, and grace, that means, eloquent dialog, but they are pretty good
at making the stuff, a lot of them, the folks in the high lands, as
they all pretty much know what I'm talking about, and they will up the
production, and hopefully, they'll keep the standards the same, and
keep the rats and mice out, and you won't have any bad brews after

Well, someone pointed out to me, that I'm in the blast area, so I'm
pretty sure that no one is going to take me out, so we can rest assured
that the damage won't reach over to Las Vegas, but I can't say anything
about Needles California, which is somewhere between here and the
Pacific, I think. I've heard of Needles, California, and I don't know
for sure where it is, but I think it's beween us and the center of the
blast zone. Well, I'll go and check a map, and yes, it is between us,
and the Pacific, and it's closer to San Diego than it is to here, I
think, and so, good night every body.

Well, a lot of Southern friends and neighbors are going to be thrilled
to hear that there is a way to get revenge against the imperial rule of
the US, and Canada, over the west, in cahoots with some Argentinians,
and a few others, here and there, like Manuel Noriega, a not much liked
guy, who a lot of Mexican folks don't particularly care for, and so the
Peruvians can just sit back and start increasing production, a little
and keep the rats and other animals out of the brews, and we can all
have some delicious brews, someday, and you needn't rush to up
production, lest you will run into the same problems the northerners
have, though that isn't your usual term for referring to them, but I
won't get into that, right now. Any how, we realize you are very good
speakers of your language, and very polite, to each other, and that
usually means that you have a long tradition of development in your
cultural tenacity, that is, your determined nature to stay alive
despite the maniacle fools who destroyed many of the people in the
Southern areas there, and you all have been around for a few years,
too, not as long as the Aboriginies, and not as long as the Kalahari
bush people, and probably not as long as that guy, Mr. George
Rutherford, and friends, who were here, before, but living in Bosnia,
when that area was down more in your area, planetarily speaking, the
earth here, rotated out and fell down to a flip flop performance that
would nearly put them in your living room. Well, anyway, you have been
around for a while, and you've seen a lot of civilizations, come and
go, and this isn't the first time, one has gone nutty with ravings of
this notion, or that notion, so you have a long history of enduring
these types of plagues, as they are often referred to by the healthier
people who survive them, and then go on living, as they were lucky
enough not to get crumpled up in the termination of the ones who went
nuts, killing people, and then we resolutely brought to an end. It may
have taken time, to kill off some civilizations, or peoples, but you
did it, and you've been at it for about, 9 or 10 million years, or 80
million, or maybe a few billion, years, already on this planet, or
maybe more, 859 billion, or so years, according to my records keepers,
my kids who know the stats on these things, and so congratulations,
you're a long surviving race of people on this planet, and you've had
no problems with marrying and going to bed with neigbors, and
daughters, and sisters, and there for the greater similarity in local
appearance, as that is the result of close sexual relations with
members of the same family, and the same neighborhood, over a long
period of time. It is called, in breeding, in general terminolgy, but
in typical doctors and research scientists vernacular, it is referred
to as out performing your neighbors, who weren't smart enough to know
that going to bed with your older sister, is just as good as going to
bed with your little sister, or first or second cousins, or aunts, or
nieces, and so we never bought into the crap that the Northern white
people believe, and you men and women, don't care much for the ways and
cultural attitudes of the northern white people, or the European white
folks, for that matter, most of them, anyway, especially the French and
the Russian, and the English, of course, and the Germans, and the
Sweedes, and just about all the European people, cause they are never
polite to you, and they are always in a hurry to get what they want,
and screw some girl, or little boy, and then get back in thier jets,
and go sailing norhtward or back across the ocean, from where they
came. Well, we can see we have a lot of resentment, building up, and we
may not see a dyslexic run government for much longer, cause if we add
their grace and fortitude to the plan, that means, their willingness to
cooperate with their northern cousins, who they sometimes have problems
with, but not as much as with the white folks, so, you can meet well
mannered people in the north, as well, but they are not as ofen
encountered as in the high lands, the Alps and regions of the Andes
Mtns. where snow grows, or plummets to the earth, as some people say,
in the colloquial jargon, of the Andes, and so, it won't be too
difficult problem to gang up on the northern whites, and Canadians, of
course, too, and so with a little patience, it won't be long before we
see an end to the whole of the western establishment, with a little
ingenuity, and a lot of politeness, if you want to stay friends with
each other. So, you northerners, learn your ettiquite, and grace, and
manners, and just try to be polite as you can, and you'll all win in
the war against the northern Dyslexics, as I call them, but you have
your own terms for them, and I won't go into that, right now.

So, that is that, and so we shall see some delicious Briesh, or mad
hatters witches brew, as some folks call them, in the high lands,
meaning it will make you go nuttier than a rabbid squirrel if you drink
too much of it, and we can then enjoy better body spillage as well, and
pump up the aphrodisiacle juices level, and while you're at it, try to
learn to be normal American folks, with no habits of politeness in
particular, and we'll get along a lot better, in the years to come.
Well, anyway, it should be interesting to see who raises what flag,
first, and then we'll see who owns what property, and so forth, once
again. So, good luck to you all, and just leave me out of it, and I'll
be alright here, and you have fun with your sons and daughters, as you
always do, and we'll see you in a few years, or maybe within about 8 to
15 years, perhaps. Well, yes, I'm a brave guy, and most people reading
this think I'm not going to survive this onslaught, and I must be
nuttier than a rabbid squirrel, already, and so they don't think I'm
mentally prepared for the shock that most of Las Vegas will be gone,
and up to Reno, or perhaps a little beyond, if they have their way,
about it. Well, it may happen that way, but I know I'll be okay, so it
maybe north of my position here, will make it, but I know I'll survive,
and so will all of the rest of Las Vegans, and persons around Las
Vegas, such as in Sparks Nevada, and in the Rockies, to the East of me,
and so we'll all just sit back and laugh about what happens, when it
happens, but they still think I'm out of my brain trap, or I've lost my
better senses, in polite talk, but that isn't the case, cause I am GOd,
and I will survive, along with alot of other people around me, and so
don't worry too much, about my foolish rantings, as you will note to
each other, in passing, and in time, someone will put the bomb
materials together, and we'll see what happens. Well, back to lessons
on etiquette, since we'll be seeing many southern people moving
northward, in time, once the areas are cleared out, around and about,
and we'll eventually be sitting in the middle of a crater, us in
Henderson, and Las Vegas, and Pahrump, and out a few more miles, about
95 to 150 or so, if things go as I see them happening, and so when they
have cleared out that many people, then they won't care about this guy
on the internet since all the commmunications, lines will probably be
down, and no one will have heard from me for some time, and they'll
think that, well, that's the way the Mexican Sun God, willed it, or
something to that effect, and that's not exactly how they say it, and
it's not a nice and polite way of referring to their devine deity that
looks over all beneficiently, and kindly, punishing the ignoble ones,
those are the northerners, the ones who are distasteful in their eating
habits, and act just like gluttonous little piggie kids, in a pen.
Well, my Peruvian lingo equivalents are not so hot, but anyway, they
won't mind, too much, after they realize we have something very
interesting here, and we can mix that with a little of the gun powder,
which we discussed in another posting, or story or fictitious tale, as
they see it, and they think I was just buffooning them, or just plain
joking, is about the only word, other than they just didn't believe it,
in general, and there were a few experimenters, and they have since
departed, and taken their labs with them, and so, any way, if you just
mix in a little extra gun powder, kerosene, and there are better things
to add, but with that, and a little butter, about 9 lbs, for every 9 to
15 gallons of the brew, we can make it more highly explosive, and it
won't be a low rumble, but it will become more like a brilliant flash,
and then we get nearer to the molecular bits and pieces taking them
apart formulas, again, and you never know what will come out of it. So
anyway, with a little extra lighter fluid added, about 9 bottles for
every 9 gallons of chicken broth you are meltin down, then we approach
the destructive level of crumbling this planet, again, and so we don't
want to go there, if we can help it, and so just use less of it, and
figure it out for your selves, cause I don't want to get into the
details of how much land we should crumple, or cause to disappear and
land somewhere over in Russia or Albania. Crumple is not a normal term
for refering to the explosiveness of this brew batch, but they in the
Andes often use a word similar to the word, crumple for the foot steps
of GOd, but I don't crumple anything, with my feet, but anyway, they
refer to the, and they don't like the word, they, so I should stop
using it and be more polite, already, my ignorance is showing through,
so I haven't got much of a chance of making friends with them, as I
don't speak politely, and they probably know it, and they won't worry
about me, once the action starts. Well, it is nice knowing you, Mr.
Ayres, some of the folks are thinking, I'm sure, and they like "folks"
better than "they", so anyway, when we meet up, just use your English
as best as you can, and that is not polite to ask them to do something,
for my benefit, but that will have to do, as we have to learn to accept
my low level of customs, and my etiquete, of just be nice to people,
and polite as you can be, given the Boy Scouts Oath, as the guide line
for rules of courtesy, and with that, we'll all get along, once someone
learns English, and decides to speak to me. Well, anyway, if someone
decides to speak to me, and someone, is not used either, by them, as
someone is a person who is not with the tribe, and not a friend of any
person, and it's going to get more difficult to communicate, as they
and I ride along here, on this bumpy ride to equality among all people,
at least in terms of politeness levels, and we will all one day just
have a nice farty time, and that means, just sitting around passing
gases after eating lots of wholesome beans, and other items, that
ferment in the stomach tubes. Well, we may have different diets, and we
may have different levels of courtesy, and we may have different ideas
as to who is going to survive, and who is not going to survive, but in
the end, a human being, is that polite, I wonder, I suppose so, will
come around and talk with me. Well, anyway, it's going to be hard to
learn the etiquette of the Mountain peoples, and their friends and
relatives, and so I see we are in for a little trouble in the getting
used to each other's courtesy and politeness levels, and of course many
Americans reading this, are probably thinking I'm nuttier than a rabbid
squirrel for going on and talking at length about this, like this, as
they don't believe that the Incan folks, and the other tribal peoples,
and they don't like to be referred to as Incan folks, so anyway, the
Mountain people, is where I'm going to leave that, for now, will not
like me, or my northern cousins, who aren't really my cousins, in my
mind, but I'll just leave that as that, and anyway, it's getting a
little confusing, here, but anyway, we should strike a medium balance
in a few trillion years of listening to my talk on and on.

Well, I'm not leaving anytime soon, though there are lots of people
already who may feel I will be, after they find out how well those
formulas will work, and you guessed it, add some iron fragment filings,
and you can return to the level of removing this planet, as they will
break apart, little by little, and the tinier they are in the batch,
the better, and you can just throw in some steel wool, and that's all
you need, but leave it in tiny fragments, and not in a ball of steel
wool, for best performance. Well, they may not make it in the technical
industries departments, because they aren't going to be worried too
much about the sizes of the steel wool bits, but anyway, they will come
up with a better formula, with the tiny fragments, as opposed to the
large balls of steel wool just thrown in, any old way, and you'll still
get a nice explosive effect, never the less, but it won't reduce the
planet to molecular bits and pieces, but it will crumple up quite a bit
of this planet, and leave large areas out of the global maps, from then
on, and we'll have some kind of planetary deformity, and the oceans
will sink in, and the Andes will be mighty nice, as they are very high
up there, and away from the blast zones, and the air will smell better
too, in the years, to come, ahead, since we just took out the entire
petroleum industry, of Northern America, and there will be no more
noxious fumes generated by the stinky automobiles that plague the
world, and cause lots of problems, and teary eyes, which means deaths
among cousins, and so we will also be getting rid of most of the
Nuclear Power stations, between San Diego, and Guatalahara, and so draw
a circle, and leave me out of it, and the rest of it north of here, is
any body's guess, after they all shut down, at least, from the
disruptive shock waves, and cause an immediate shut down of the plants,
if every thing goes well, and we won't be seeing them ignite, or get
lost, into the wasteland of dirt and debris, unless they move it
northward, further and put the epicenter nearer to Boulder Colorado,
and then we'll see most of Utah, Wyoming, and lots of other areas go
down, and there won't be much left of the Nuclear power industry,
either. So, just have fun, thinking about it, and forget about the
problem of my inability to learn what kind of devastation I've brought
about, against me, as a result of letting out these secrets, as the
Mountain Folks will be thinking, but even saying that, is not polite,
as you're not supposed to try and speak what sisters and brothers, or
other people might have on their minds. Well, okay, enough for today's
lessons on politeness here, as we aren't going to get through this
cultural transition mode we might be in, sometime, soon, though that's
not a pleasant thought, that the Mountain Folks will have to put up
with northerns, for any length of time, but in time, someone will
figure out it is better to be making love, and drinking the lama
juices, as I've mentioned, before, and then every thing will begin to
settle down, as we have more Mountain People experimenting with my
lessons and the methods as explained there in, and so we will be seeing
a shift of the types of people inhabiting the northern areas, after a
while, and so just bring lots of your Briesche, or what ever it is
spelled, and make lots of good spillage bunnies, and you'll at least
maybe thank me for that, after you cool down from my lack of courtesy.

Okay, have fun, and don't forget the shotguns, cause you will have a
lot of dead and dying, and wounded, and so just put them out of their
misery, with a quick blast to the forehead, and that will speed up
their travel to my Epcot Center or one or the other of the other
facilities I have for all of them, after they pass on.

That concludes my notes for now, and so Good Day, Ladies and Gentlemen,
and All Of You Wonderful Folks Who will come to teach us ettiquite, and
I suppose my spelling is better, but anyway, we have to be polite and
kind, and just keep smiling if we are disgruntled by others, as it will
take a while to learn each other's customs. Okay. Good day to all of
you brothers and sisters, and I can't say that, cause I'm not one of
them, so anyway, see you all later.

This is GOd, and I'm waiting for the peoples of the world to resolve
these issues of who is going to win out over the dyslexics, and take
back control of this planet, so just slug it out, and leave me out of
it, as I don't want to hear people yelling and shouting at each other,
and gouging each other's eye's out, when tempers flare up, and so we'll
just do the best we can to keep the noise levels down, and at least
I'll be happy. Well, we already know the Mountain Folks are not going
to like me, much, but anyway, we'll get over that, and through that, in
the years to come. If the Mountain Folks have their way, we will all be
in jail, for our inhumanities to each other, but anyway, that won't
happen, as my kids will take over the policing of the planet, some
time, in the future. Just square off, and shake hands, and begin your
wrestling matches, with each other, and see who comes up the winner,
and the loser will have to live out on the streets, for a while, as
they don't deserve to live, after they lose, according to Mountain
People and their traditional levels of thought, and we'll see what
happens, but be sure to shake hands, first, and even give them a quick
embrace, to say, sorry buddy but if you lose, you lose, and that's the
way it goes, and you'll be out on the street, and not alive after a few
nights of cold and no food. Well, it is going to be fun, trying to live
with such grutinous people, and grutinous means tough and sturdy, and
cold and hard fisted, in terms of metting out punishments, and so watch
out, you Americans, and we'll see who gets along with whom.

Signing Off for now. All Signals out. That's police jargon, back in the
days when I was a police constable, and so it means, turn off your
mikes and transmitting services in your post, or vehicle, and just keep
quite, and get back to work, if you don't mind.

Jack Warner
Commander In Chief
Of The Incan Population Control Board Room

A boiler plate courtesy research and study department, to learn the
customs of incan people's liberated here and there, on other planets, a
long time ago, so I'm going to have a head ache or two, for some time
to come.

Well, a lot of people in the South seem to think that I'm saying to
much about them, and I'm inviting disaster upon them, as most people
won't like the idea of strong and vigilant people, ruling our land, but
it's not a problem, because there is nothing wrong with being tough on
criminals, and drug addicts, and other persons who are a problem in
society, and that's how traditionally they handle these criminal types,
if they can, and so we should just lighten up, and understand that they
have to be tough on criminals, as to make life better for others, and
so don't anyone lose their cool, just yet, and don't go and get huffy
and puffy about our neighbors, which ever regions they may come from,
and we'll all learn etiquette, and get along a lot better, in the long
run, if you are not reduced to a dead carcas, as I've asked them to
shoot all the wounded in the forhead. Well, I asked the Timothy McVeigh
supporters to do the same general thing for the walking wounded, and so
just remember, that's the way to dispatch the suffering of the person,
and the person will come back and be thankful to you, for putting them
out of their misery, quickly, rather than letting them linger on, until
they suffered for long days and nights, needlessly, and where
inhumanely eaten by any coyotes, and so forth, but just bring your
shotguns, please, and reduce the suffering level factor, and that will
wrap things up for today.

Yes, I'm indifferent and cold hearted, and somewhat bullyish, but a job
is a job, and I don't care if the militias do it, or the Southerners,
do it, and for all I care, the Mountain People are pretty good at
making Briesche, so just keep up the production, and soon or a later,
all these things will be worked out. We have a large number of
Europeans, who will like to get rid of the US, as well, and lots of
Russians, as well, Indians from the Sub Continent of India, and folks
from lots of places, and lots of people don't like Bill Gates, so
MicroSoft territory, and Sunny San Francisco Silicon Valley area
residents might think of moveing out, as well, as there will be an
onslaught of people trying to get back at the US, and so just join
forces, and where ever you're from, just study your ettiquete, and
learn the Boy Scouts Code of Honor, and that's all you need to do, and
then all of us will get along fine, though there are already jeers and
heckling against me from the Europeans, and Russians, and every one
else across the ocean, in all directions, cause no one likes boy
scouts, and no one likes that poster of Uncle Sam, and they are sort of
identical, as they represent American atrocities, that's a funny one,
but it's true, and so we'll just have to accept it, it's funny that the
boy scouts represent atrocities, to me, any way, I was a boy scout, and
never commited any atrocities, and was a meager fire starter, on rainy
days, and so I never had much or many problems keeping warm, and so
anyway, that Uncle Sam, the poster pinup character upsets alot of
people is understandable, and that the boy scout posters also unsettle
alot of people and make people think that these are kids training to be
the American ass hole warriors, bascially, in French and Indonesian, so
the guamanians won't like them, either, and they just might decide to
eat a few, if they can find some. Well, so much for customs and habits,
and we'll leave off on that note, for now, except, for one rule of
etiquette, don't talk too much about your self, and don't be boastful,
and try to keep the arrogance factor in check, and the American Ass
hole men and women will be liked alot more by the peoples of the world,
and the Guamanians, won't be so inclined to eat less arrogant and self
indulgent Northern Uncle Sam and Aunty Mildred, look alikes, as some
lady, the Marylyn Monroe ladie posters of the early 40's and 50's
weren't like much by some tribal folks out on the honduran plains, and
by the Frech, and by a lot of Greeks, and others, and she got the name,
Aunty Mildred by the Mountain Folks, and she's the female counterpart
to Uncle Sam. So we see we have three groups or types of people, the
showy women, the boastful boys, and their conterparts, the boastful and
hatefilled women who commit attrocities against others, the Girl
Scouts, is who that refers to, and the braggerish smuggish ladies who
think so highly of themselves, and just pose and think the world of
themselves, which makes a lot of people vomit, and so we're learning a
bit about stereo types, but they do represent classes of people who are
not liked, by many, and so lets all tune it down, and the sooner we get
the nudity laws passed, and the drug laws removed from the books, and
the friendship laws established, meaing we can have sex with anyone and
every one, since I keep saying we have all been married to each other,
umpteen kalamazoo numbers of times, and when we start getting more and
more into the penetration techniques, they are mental energies that
rise up in the body of the people practicing them, and then become so
powerful, that your brain becomes overloaded with energies, and you
start orgasming, and lots of fun stuff happens, and it's part of my
Yogica classes on morgasming, or mental orgasming, and yes, it sounds
funny, but the energies we can produce inside of us, can lead to mental
orgasming, and we just have to know how to practice it, and discipline
ourselves, when the time for the lessons, come, and with the mental or
mind energies penetration techniques, which involve a lot more than
just the mind and its energies, as you'll learn, as you can direct the
hard dick phenomena of men and the hard durament or furmament phenomena
of women, and all that goes with it, into sexual orgasimy, or
splendorous orgasming, and beyond into sheer orotic, and even more
deeply penetrating orgorotic energies, that rattle your very bones with
orgasms. Well, we have lots to learn so let's not be too unkind to Mr.
Crazy Fellow Ayres, here, who is not in possesion of his better senses,
most of the time, it would seem, and we'll just get on with the
lessons, one after another.

All Signals Out.

John Francis Ayres
And Children

The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry, 5540 West Harmon Ave. Apt. #2004,
Las Vegas, Nv. 89103, Tel: (702) 894-9518, johnfrancisayres @
yahoo.com, Google Group Newsgroup, Updated Often:
http://groups.google.com/group/gurkianagegurkianway ,USENET Newsgroup:
2006-05-08 00:17:23 UTC
Post by JonJon
Quick Explosives
High Strength Tequila
100 Bottles (quarts) of High Strength Mexican Home Brew Tequila
Let the tequila evaporate out to one bottle, which is almost impossible
to do in a home lab without killing your self, as it becomes more
explosive than nitro gycerine,
absolute crap!
Post by JonJon
and is highly volatile, and will go off
at the slightest bit of static charge from a person merely walking on a
carpet and accumulating a positive voltage charge. With a tiny current
and discharge less than what the Microsoft workers normally handle
slicone chips and other "high tech" easily damagable stuff with, you
can set the whole thing off,
Post by JonJon
and it has the explosive potential of,
with high strenght Mexican Tequila, of a very good kind, about C-8 or
C-9 to C-18 or to up to about C-35 explosiveness. It depends on how
good your Tequila is.
Only in your head dude! Switch to absinth
Terry Collins
2006-05-08 04:00:49 UTC
Post by Martin
Post by JonJon
and is highly volatile, and will go off
at the slightest bit of static charge from a person merely walking on a
carpet and accumulating a positive voltage charge. With a tiny current
and discharge less than what the Microsoft workers normally handle
slicone chips and other "high tech" easily damagable stuff with, you
can set the whole thing off,
You might care to explain your "bollocks"
Evaporative flammable spirit being exposed to a spark will not light!
Is that what you are saying.

Seriously, if i can light metho with a spark from a battery, why will
Teq not light?
2006-05-08 09:31:55 UTC
Post by Terry Collins
Post by Martin
Post by JonJon
and is highly volatile, and will go off
at the slightest bit of static charge from a person merely walking on a
carpet and accumulating a positive voltage charge. With a tiny current
and discharge less than what the Microsoft workers normally handle
slicone chips and other "high tech" easily damagable stuff with, you
can set the whole thing off,
You might care to explain your "bollocks"
Evaporative flammable spirit being exposed to a spark will not light!
Is that what you are saying.
Seriously, if i can light metho with a spark from a battery, why will
Teq not light?
The 'bollocks' was the stated amount of energy required to ignite
alcohol vapour. It is not smaller than the energy that can destroy chips
in a fab. Apart from which I wasn't aware Microsoft ran fabs.

You can find out a lot more about these things from Measurement
Technology http://www.mtl-inst.com/ (where i was chief engineer)

In fact you can allow sparks to be present in an explosive atmosphere so
long as the sparks are energy limited by (for example) a barrier. It's
one experiment we do to show the effect of a barrier, create sparks
inside an explosive atmosphere without the barrier and you get a nice
explosion, then switch the barrier in and it looks like the sparks are
not much different, but becuase they are energy limited the atmosphere
doesn't explode.

Your sparks from a battery are not energy limited, put it through a
barrier and you can still make sparks without igniting anything.

To ignite a hydrocarbon vapour takes about 3mJ in a static discharge, to
damage a chip in a fab an unexpected alpha particle can destroy a gate,
these have energies above about 4MeV which is about 10^-12 J
2006-05-10 01:59:42 UTC
On Mon, 08 May 2006 14:00:49 +1000, Terry Collins
<newsonespam-***@woa.com.au> wrote in

|>Martin wrote:
|>>> and is highly volatile, and will go off
|>>> at the slightest bit of static charge from a person merely walking on a
|>>> carpet and accumulating a positive voltage charge. With a tiny current
|>>> and discharge less than what the Microsoft workers normally handle
|>>> slicone chips and other "high tech" easily damagable stuff with, you
|>>> can set the whole thing off,
|>> bollocks!
|>You might care to explain your "bollocks"
|>Evaporative flammable spirit being exposed to a spark will not light!
|>Is that what you are saying.
|>Seriously, if i can light metho with a spark from a battery, why will
|>Teq not light?

Because metho [methylated spirits, Denatured alcohol to yanks is
95% pure alcohol and Tequila isn't]

How is Tequila Made?

1800 Tequila is made from the fermented and distilled sap taken
from the "piña" of the blue agave plants. The piña hearts are
split open and steamed in 10-ton pressure cookers. The resulting
liquids flow into large steel vats for fermentation, which takes
48-72 hours. After a double distillation process that requires
two weeks or more, a potent 150-proof tequila emerges.

----All Tequila is white when it comes out of the still. This
white, colorless "silver" tequila is then reduced with distilled
water to the desired proof, 80 to 86 proof for the U.S. market.


There is a different definition of "proof" in the USA as opposed
to the UK, Australia, etc.

Roughly speaking, in the US is proof by weight, the
British/Australia is proof by volume.


An alcohol-water mixture or a beverage containing a standard
amount of alcohol, the U.S. standard being 100 proof, or 50
percent, of ethyl alcohol by volume at 60°F (approximately

The highest percentage that can get with distillation is 95%
ethanol [grain alcohol] So in the US, this would be 190 proof.


However this doesn't mean that you can legally buy it at this
concentration everywhere.

"Everclear, a neutral grain spirit is sold at 190 proof in parts
of the U.S. where it is legal. For comparison, absinthe (one of
the highest-alcohol commercial liquors available) usually tops
out at around 70% ABV and ranges from about 120 to 130 proof.
Austrian Stroh 80 rum is an exception with a ABV of 80% (proof


Material in quotes, and much more info available at

"Metho" or methylated spirits is around 95% alcohol, and will
ignite in air. 100% ethanol C12H22O11 for chemical and
industrial use is obtained by treating 95% alcohol with a drying
agent such as anhydrous copper sulfate or calcium chloride.

In passing, the old traditional denaturant was wood alcohol, or
methanol, was used. However as this is toxic to the optic nerve
when ingested in large amounts safer denaturalizing are now used,
in Australia at least.

Posting from misc.survivalism.


Old Boy
2006-05-10 12:21:22 UTC
Fuel Air Explosive is the way forward apparently

